January 18, 2011

china deja vu

We spent Sunday touring the markets on the east end of London. The first market we went to is called Spitalfield and the building where the market is located has been the market's location since the 1600s! It was my favorite market of the day! There were all sorts of handmade clothes, jewelry, leather goods, and tons of others. I came across an oil painter where the man has been hand painting works of London and other European cities for over 30 years and they were beautiful! I ended up picking out one of the oil paintings which was of big ben, parliament, and a sunset all over looking the River Thames. It was absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to bring it home and put it in my one day permanent residence and say, "I lived there and got the painting from the east end markets of London." That was actually my one purchase of the day. The next market we headed to was that of the famous and world renowned Brick Lane. As soon as you walk in there are food vendors from all different parts of the world and rows and rows of racks of goods from all different merchants. We were only allotted a certain amount of time and it was overwhelming to say the least so I just looked around. There were purses, coats, dolls, trinkets, baked goods, shoes, tshirts, and literally anything and everything you could imagine. We were encouraged to try the food and it being lunch I ended up eating curry. Because of the large Indian population in the UK they are now called English Indians which they say is completely different than actual Indian people. They speak like they are from the UK but still have their Indian customs - an interesting mix. Anywho, they are also known for their English Indian food in the UK, so I gave pumpkin curry a shot being adventurous and my goodness was it delicious!

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