January 11, 2011

class: day 1

I didn't have classes until 1:30, so of course, I was out of the building by 10 and walked up and down the streets for about an hour and half going in and out of shops and then picked up some stuff from the grocery store. Everything in the grocery store is very familiar but somewhat different. For example, unlike our chicken filets, etc that are laid flat theirs are rolled up - hummus, cadberry eggs, tea, and wine is everywhere, but their selection of meats do look a little weird. Also, they don't really have crackers or chips like we're used to.
Headed to my first class, which is actually about an hour commute - 15 minute walk to the tube station, 20ish minute tube ride, and another 10 or so minute walk to the academic building which is located in Bloomsbury. The great thing about this area is that there are about 3 London universities/colleges within the area, so it is student central.
My professor for Media and UK Politics walked in and he couldn't have been more British! He had round rimmed glassed, colorful suspenders holding up his pants, and said, "Hallo Mates!" Best first impression I've ever had! Turns out he works for BBC at the headquarters and teaches such classes as this one on the side. In those 2.5 hours together I have never been more intrigued in a lecture! He discussed how in the class we were going to discuss anything and everything about print media (newspapers, magazine, etc) and every aspect about them - no teli (tv) because everything on there minus the sports and news is just rubbish. He also then laid out the basics of UK politics which basically was a summed up version for dummies. He compared their political system to the U.S.'s and it was so interesting!
I also learned that British teaching methods are very different than those in the U.S. Most of my classes are straight lecture and that's it. He said we would eventually be going to the BBC headquarters and watching their production and analytical process, that sometimes we would meet on sight rather than in the classroom, watch films, hold discussions, etc - it's very interactive and always something different.
My second class was International Marketing Management. My professor speaks over 5 languages, is originally from Russia, and is on the board of directors for the European Bank and is over the investments in that for about 4 countries; therefore, you can only imagine his accent. He was hilarious, but I had a hard time understanding him. Sometimes I got every word he said and then I would lose him for about 15 minutes - it was an interesting 2.5 hours to say the least. The class, like my first, will be very interactive with projects, trips to the European Bank to meet his colleagues, the financial center, etc. You could tell right away that this man was exceedingly intelligent, had a very dry sense of humor, and meant business. Lots of people are talking about dropping the class, but how in the world could you turn down the opportunity by being taught by someone of the status in the EU? I have the feeling I'll learn soooo much, especially after looking at our daily reading - scary!!!
Got home at 9pm, skyped for a couple hours, dinner and brewskis with friends, and bed....i love this place :)

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